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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FISHERIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1966

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Powers in relation to fishing engines, etc.

177. Without prejudice to any other provision of this Act, where an
authorised person finds

(a)during the annual close season for salmon and trout or
the weekly close time

(i)any passage in any fishing engine or contrivance closed or obstructed; or

(ii)any fishing engine or any contrivance whatsoever placed or used in
contravention of this Act or any instrument made thereunder; or

(b)at any time, any obstruction other than an obstruction authorised by a
licence granted under section 84(1) in the free gap of a fishing weir or in a
fish pass; or

(c)at any time, any obstruction in the waste gate appurtenant to any mill or
factory when such waste gate is required by law to be open,

Powers of inspection, examination and detention.

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