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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FISHERIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1966

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172.(1) An authorised person may, for the purposes of the protection of the
fisheries, at any time

(a)enter into and pass through or along [or remain on] the banks or borders of
any lakes or rivers or of the tributaries thereof;

(b)with boats or otherwise, enter upon any such lakes or rivers;

(c)enter upon and examine all weirs, sluices, mill dams, fish passes, mill
races and watercourses communicating with such lakes or rivers, and pass along
the same;

(d)stop, enter and search any boat which has been or is engaged or is about to
engage in fishing;

(e)examine all standing, floating or other nets whatsoever;

(f)examine all fish and all fishing engines found in any place which by
this Act he is authorised to enter, and for that purpose open any package
found in such place and containing or suspected of containing any fish or
fishing engine;

(g)seize any unlawful fishing engine or any lawful fishing engine which is
being unlawfully used;

(h)seize any fish in the possession of a person found or suspected of
committing an offence under any statutory provision relating to fisheries or
any fish which have been or are suspected of having been unlawfully captured;

(i)seize any other thing whatsoever by means of, or in relation to, which an
offence under any provision of this Act has been or is suspected of having
been committed;

(j)do all such other acts and things as he is authorised to do under this Act.

(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorising any person to
enter any enclosed garden or any dwelling house or the curtilage thereof
except where the ordinary road or passage to any weir, dam or dyke traverses
such garden or curtilage.

(3) In this section, "suspected" means suspected on reasonable grounds.

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