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Northern Irish Legislation

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17.(1) The Ministry may make regulations with respect to

(a)the records to be kept and the returns to be made by

(i)holders of fishing licences;

(ii)holders of dealers' licences;

<(iii)persons engaged in business in connection with the wholesale distribution or the processing of sea-fish;



(b)the persons to whom, the times at which, and the forms in which the returns
are to be made;

(c)the heads under which particulars are to be included in such records or
returns; and

(d)such other matters with respect to the records or returns (including the
inspection, verification and copying of records by an officer of the Ministry)
as may seem expedient.

(2) Every person required by regulations made under this section to keep any
record or to make any return, who

[(a)acts in contravention of any provision of the regulations; or]

(b)makes in a record or return any statement which to his knowledge is false
or misleading in any material respect,

[(3) In subsection (1)(a) in sub-paragraph (i) "fishing licence" does not
include a licence to fish with rod and line and in sub-paragraph (iii)
"processing" has the same meaning as in section 15A(4).]

[(4) In this section

(a)"sea-fishermen" includes the master, charterer or owner of a
sea-fishing boat;

(b)"fish-salesmen" includes an auctioneer or dealer in fish at the point of
landing (as defined by regulations) of the fish.]

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