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Power of Ministry to establish a fish farm.

10.(1) The Ministry may establish and operate an undertaking for the culture
of fish (in this Act referred to as a "fish farm") for the purposes

(a)of providing yearling or other fish, or fry or ova, for the stocking or
restocking of any waters under section 8, or of any waters the fishing rights
in which are owned by, or which are under the control of,

(i)the Ministry, or

(ii)any other person, or

<(iii)any association of persons interested in the fishery of any waters; and

(b)in so far as any fish reared in such a fish farm are not required for the
purposes mentioned in paragraph (a), of providing fish for human consumption.

(2) Where, under subsection (1)(a), the Ministry provides fish for the
purposes of any other person or any association, the Ministry may do so on
such terms as it thinks fit, and may in particular do so in consideration of
the payment to the Ministry of a sum of money less than the market value of
the fish, or without payment, regard being had to

(a)any undertaking given to the Ministry by that person or association as to
the provision by him or them of facilities for angling by members of the
public or any section thereof; or

(b)any proposals of that person or association (whether or not contained in a
programme of angling development under section 6) for the development or
improvement of any waters for fishing and for the care and protection of such
waters after such development or improvement has been carried out.

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