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46.(1) The Ministry may, after consultation with the fire authority, make
regulations as to the means of escape in case of fire to be provided in
factories or any class or description of factory.

(2) It shall be the duty of the fire authority to see that the regulations are
complied with ....

(3) If a certificate has been issued under section 41 in respect of a factory
which is not in conformity with the regulations under this section,
the fire authority shall serve a notice on the occupier of the factory
requiring him to make, within a specified period, such alterations as [it
considers] necessary to bring the factory into conformity with the
regulations, and the provisions of sections 42 and 44 shall apply in relation
to any such notice as they apply in relation to a notice of the fire authority
under section 42.

Subs.(4)(5) rep. by SRO (NI) 1973/211

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