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Means of escape in case of fire right of appeal of occupier against refusal of certificate, etc.

44. If the occupier of any factory is aggrieved by the refusal of [the fire
authority] to grant a certificate under section 41 or to amend such a
certificate or by being required by the fire authority under section 42 or by
an inspector under section 43 to carry out any alterations at the factory, or
by the period within which he is required to carry them out, or by the
cancellation of such a certificate, he may, within twenty-one days of the
refusal, notice of requirement, or cancellation, appeal to the county court
sitting in and for the division in which the factory is situate and, pending
final determination of the appeal, no offence shall be deemed to be committed
under section 41 by reason that the premises to which the appeal relates are
used as a factory without a certificate being in force with respect thereto.

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