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Duty of factory occupier to give notice of employment of a young person.

117A.(1) Subject to subsection (2), where the occupier of a factory takes a
young person into his employment to work in the factory (or transfers to work
in the factory from work elsewhere than in a factory a young person already in
his employment), the occupier shall, not later than seven days after the day
on which he does so, send to the local employment service office of the
Department of Manpower Services a written notice stating the name of
the occupier, the address of the factory and the fact of the young person's
having been so taken or transferred, and the date on which, and the work to do
which, he was so taken or transferred, and giving such of the following
information as is within the occupier's knowledge, namely:

(a)the young person's Christian name (or forename) and surname;

(b)the date of his birth;

(c)his usual residential address; and

(d)the name and address or the school (if any) which he last attended before
he was so taken or transferred.

(2) In a case where this section applies by virtue of its inclusion in
section 123(3), 124(2) or 125(2), a notice under subsection (1) shall state as
the address of the factory the place where the young person works.

(3) In this section

(a)"the local employment service office" means
the local employment service office maintained by the Department of Manpower
Services for the area in which the factory is situated; and

(b)"school" means a school within the meaning of the Education and Libraries
(Northern Ireland) Order 1972.]

Tenement factories and parts of buildings let off as separate factories fire

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