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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FACTORIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965

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Exception as to preserving of fish, fruit and vegetables.

110.(1) Subject to such conditions as the Ministry may by regulations
prescribe, the provisions of this Part with respect to the general conditions
as to hours of employment of women and young persons, notices fixing hours of
employment, overtime employment of women and young persons, prohibition of use
of rooms during intervals, prohibition of Sunday employment, and annual
holidays shall not apply to the employment of women and of young persons who
have attained the age of sixteen in processes connected with

(a)the preserving, canning or curing of fish or the preparing of fish for
sale; or

(b)the preserving or canning of fruit or vegetables during the months of June,
July, August and September;

(2) Where an occupier avails himself of this exception, the notice required to
be served and posted by him under section 113 need not, except in so far as
regulations under this section so require, specify the period of employment or
the intervals to be allowed for meals or rest.

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