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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FACTORIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965

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Exception as to laundries.

109.(1) For the purpose of meeting without overtime employment pressure of
work recurring on particular days of the week, the total hours worked in a day
by women in laundries may, on two week days other than Saturday in any week,
extend to ten hours, and the period of employment on those days may extend to
twelve hours and may begin at any time not earlier than seven o'clock in the
morning and end at any time not later than nine o'clock in the evening; but
nothing in this subsection shall affect the provisions of this Part with
respect to the total hours worked in a week.

(2) The Ministry may, as regards factories of which the occupiers avail
themselves of this exception, by regulations make such modifications in the
provisions of this Part which require that the period of employment and
intervals allowed for meals and rest shall be the same for all women and
young persons, and that no woman or young person shall be employed during any
such interval, as appear to the Ministry to be necessary or expedient.

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