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Power to make temporary advances to Government funds.

31.(1) The Ministry of Finance may from time to time as it thinks fit
temporarily advance from the Consolidated Fund to any Government fund such
sums as appear to it to be required for the purpose of making any payments to
be made out of such Government fund.

(2) The Ministry may borrow money for the purpose of providing for issues from
the Consolidated Fund under this section.

(3) Any sums advanced in any financial year under this section to a
Government fund shall be charged on that fund and shall before the end of that
year be repaid out of that fund to the Exchequer together with interest at
such rate as the Ministry may determine.

(4) The powers conferred by this section shall be in addition to and not in
derogation of the powers conferred by an enactment (whether passed before or
after this Act and including this Act) to issue sums from the Consolidated
Fund to any Government fund.

(5) In this section the expression "Government fund" means any fund
administered and controlled pursuant to the provisions of any enactment by any
department of the Government of Northern Ireland.]

S.32 rep. by 1955 c.6 (NI) s.21 sch. 1956 c.17 (NI) s.18 sch.3; 1970 c.9 (NI)
s.33(2) sch.4

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