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Schemes by district councils for dealing with derelict land.

4.(1) For the purpose of securing that any land which appears to a [district
council] to be derelict and likely to remain so for a considerable period is
brought into use or of improving the amenities of the neighbourhood thereof,
the [district council] may in accordance with a scheme prepared by the
[council] and duly approved under this section by the Ministry of Health and
Local Government after consultation with the Ministry, acquire such land
either by agreement or compulsorily... and may carry out on such land such
works as may be specified in that behalf in the scheme or as are incidental to
or necessary for the execution of the scheme.

Subs.(2) rep. by 1972 NI17 art.110(2) sch.7

(3) A scheme approved under this section may provide for

(a)the holding or disposal of any land by a [district council] either for the
purposes of the scheme or for any other purpose for which the [council] is
authorised to hold land under or by virtue of the provisions of any enactment;

(b)the selling or leasing of such land for the purposes of any.... enactment
or for the purposes of the provision, maintenance, or improvement of any
service to which section one of this Act applies;

(c)the making of charges (including ticket or admission fees, rents or other
sums) by any local or public authority in respect of the amenity or service
provided thereunder or in connection therewith and for the payment of any
revenue derived therefrom to the credit of, and for debiting any loss incurred
thereunder or in connection therewith to, such fund or funds as may be
specified in the scheme; or

(d)the co-operation of any [district council] with any other
local or public authority in the provision, improvement or administration of
any service or in the improvement of any amenity.

Subs.(4) rep. by 1972 c.9 (NI) s.149 sch.9

(5) A scheme approved under this section may be varied or modified by a
subsequent scheme so approved.

S.5 rep. by 1949 c.21 (NI) s.23 sch.; 1953 c.13 (NI) s.4 sch.; 1972 c.9 (NI)
s.149 sch.9

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