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As to registrar.

12. The registrar shall keep a book (in this Act called "the register") for
the purposes of this Act, and shall, upon the filing of any bill of sale or
copy under this Act, enter therein in the form set forth in the second
Schedule (B) to this Act annexed, or in any other prescribed form, the name,
residence, and occupation of the person by whom the bill was made or given (or
in case the same was made or given by any person under or in the execution of
process, then the name, residence, and occupation of the person against whom
such process was issued, and also the name of the person or persons to whom or
in whose favour the bill was given), and the other particulars shown in the
said schedule or to be prescribed under this Act, and shall number all such
bills registered in each year consecutively, according to the respective dates
of their registration.

Upon the registration of any affidavit of renewal the like entry shall be
made, with the addition of the date and number of the last previous entry
relating to the same bill, and the bill of sale or copy originally filed shall
be thereupon marked with the number affixed to such affidavit of renewal.

The registrar shall also keep an index of the names of the grantors of
registered bills of sale with reference to entries in the register of the
bills of sale given by each such grantor.

Such index shall be arranged in divisions corresponding with the letters of
the alphabet, so that all grantors whose surnames begin with the same letter
(and no others) shall be comprised in one division, but the arrangement within
each such division need not be strictly alphabetical.[

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