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Northern Irish Legislation

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Power to increase certain payments retrospectively.

18.(1) Any instrument to which this section applies prescribing or altering
the amounts payable to any person by way of remuneration, superannuation or
expenses may, unless the transferred provision under which the instrument is
made expressly provides to the contrary, prescribe or alter the amounts so
payable during or in respect of a period beginning on any date specified in
the instrument, not being earlier than that of the commencement of the
transferred provision under which the instrument is made.

(2) This section applies to instruments made (whether before or after the
passing of this Act) under any transferred provision [except a scheme made
under Article 3 of the Superannuation (Northern Ireland) Order 1972 or
regulations made under Article 9, 11, 12 or 19 of that Order, or such orders
or regulations as are referred to in Article 15 of that Order].

(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorising any
remuneration, superannuation or expenses to be reduced retrospectively.

(4) In this section

"expenses" includes travelling and subsistence allowance and allowances for
incidental out-of-pocket expenditure;

"remuneration" includes salary, fees, pay and allowances;

"superannuation" includes any pension, gratuity or similar payment in respect
of the services of any person;

"transferred provision" and "instrument" have the same meaning as in section
one of the Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland), 1954.

Short title.

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