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Review of Ministry's decisions relating to motor traders, etc.

27.(1) Where it is alleged that a mechanically propelled vehicle has been used
or kept in contravention of section 8, 16(8) or 18(4)

(a)the person keeping the vehicle shall give such information as he may be
required by a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary or the Ministry to give
as to the identity of the person or persons concerned and, if he fails to do
so, shall be guilty of an offence unless he shows to the satisfaction of the
court that he did not know and could not with reasonable diligence have
ascertained the identity of the person or persons concerned;

(b)any other person shall, if required as aforesaid, give such information as
it is in his power to give and which may lead to the identification of any of
the persons concerned and, if he fails to do so, shall be guilty of an
offence; and

(c)in a case where it is alleged that the vehicle has been used at any time in
contravention of section 8, the person who is alleged to have so used the
vehicle shall, if required as aforesaid, give such information as it is in his
power to give as to the identity of the person by whom the vehicle was kept at
that time and, if he fails to do so, shall be guilty of an offence.

(2) The following persons shall be treated for the purposes of subsection
(1)(a) and (b) as persons concerned

(a)in relation to an alleged offence of using a vehicle in contravention of
section 8, 16(8) or 18(4), both the driver and any person using the vehicle;

(b)in relation to an alleged offence of keeping the vehicle in contravention
of section 8, the person keeping the vehicle.

(3) A person guilty of an offence under subsection (1) shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding #50.


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