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1972 c.41

25.(1) If the Ministry

(a)rejects an application by a motor dealer for an allocation of
temporary licences or registration marks in pursuance of this Act; or

(b)requires a motor dealer or any other person to surrender any unissued
temporary licences allocated to the dealer in pursuance of this Act or cancels
an allocation of registration marks made to a dealer in pursuance of this Act;

(c)refuses an application for a trade licence made by a motor trader or
vehicle tester within the meaning of section 16;

(2) Such a requirement or cancellation as is mentioned in subsection (1)(b)
shall not take effect before the expiration of the period aforesaid and, where
during that period a request is made in pursuance of that subsection in
respect of the requirement or cancellation, shall not take effect before
the Ministry gives notice in writing of the result of the review to the person
who made the request.

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