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Northern Irish Legislation

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Penalty on persons, other than those employed by commissioners, for removing dirt, &c.

99. No person shall suffer any waste or stagnant water to remain in any cellar
or other place within any house belonging to or occupied by him within the
limits of the special Act, so as to be a nuisance; and every person who so
suffers any such water to remain for forty-eight hours after receiving notice
from the commissioners to remove the same, and every person who allows the
contents of any privy or cesspool to overflow or soak therefrom, to the
annoyance of the occupiers of any adjoining property, shall for every such
offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding [#2], and to a further penalty
not exceeding [25p] for every day during which such nuisance continues; and
the commissioners may drain and cleanse out any stagnant pools, ditches, or
ponds of water within the limits of the special Act, and abate any such
nuisance as aforesaid, and for that purpose may enter, by their officers and
workmen, into and upon any building or land within the said limits at all
reasonable times, and do all necessary acts for any of the purposes aforesaid;
and the expences incurred thereby shall be paid by the person committing such
offence, or occupying the building or land whence such annoyance proceeds, and
if there be no occupier, by the owner of such building or land, and shall be
recoverable as damages.

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