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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TOWNS IMPROVEMENT CLAUSES ACT 1847

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Penalty for conveying offensive matter at improper times, or in an improper manner.

100. If the dung or soil of any stable, cowhouse, or pigstye, or other
collection of refuse matter, elsewhere than in any farmyard, be at any time
allowed to accumulate within the limits of the special Act for more than
thirty days, or for more than seven days after a quantity exceeding one ton
has been collected in any place not allowed by the commissioners, such dung,
soil, or refuse, if not removed within forty-eight hours after notice from any
officer of the commissioners for that purpose, shall become the property of
the commissioners, and they, or any person with whom they have at that time
any subsisting contract for the removal of refuse, may sell and dispose of the
same, and the money thence arising shall be applied towards the purposes of
the special Act.

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