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Northern Irish Legislation

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Stagnant pools of water and other annoyances to be removed.

101. If at any time the officer of health, or, if for the time being there be
no officer of health, any two surgeons or physicians, or one surgeon and one
physician, residing within the limits of the special Act, certify under his or
their hand to the commissioners that any accumulation of dung, soil, or filth,
or other noxious or offensive matter, within the limits of the special Act,
ought to be removed, as being injurious to the health of the inhabitants, the
clerk to the commissioners shall forthwith give notice to the owner or reputed
owner of such dung, soil, or filth, or to the occupier of the land where the
same are, to remove the same within twenty-four hours after such notice; and
in case of failure to comply with such notice, the said dung, soil, or filth
shall thereupon become vested in the commissioners, and they, or any person
with whom they have at that time contracted for the removal of all such
refuse, may sell and dispose of the same, and the money thence arising shall
be applied towards the purposes of the special Act.

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