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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT ACT 1850

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Powers of this Act may be exercised for purpose of vesting lands, &c. in trustees of charities.

45. It shall be lawful for the [High Court] ... to exercise the powers herein
conferred for the purpose of vesting any lands, stock, or chose in action in
the trustee or trustees of any charity or society over which charity or
society [the High Court] would have jurisdiction upon suit duly instituted,
whether such trustee or trustees shall have been duly appointed by any power
contained in any deed or instrument, or by the decree of [the High Court] or
by order made upon a petition to [the High Court] under any statute
authorizing the said court to make an order to that effect in a summary way
upon petition.

Ss.46, 47 rep. by 1893 c.53 s.51 sch.

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