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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT ACT 1850

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Appointment of new trustees.

3. For the purpose of preserving evidence of every such choice and appointment
of a new trustee or new trustees, and of the person and persons in whom such
charitable estates and property shall so from time to time become legally
vested, every such choice and appointment of a new trustee or new trustees
shall be made to appear by some deed under the hand and seal of the chairman
for the time being of the meeting at which such choice and appointment shall
be made, and shall be executed in the presence of such meeting, and attested
by two or more credible witnesses, which deed may be in the form or to the
like effect of the schedule to this Act annexed, or as near thereto as
circumstances will allow, and may be given and shall be received as evidence
in all courts and proceedings in the same manner and on the like proof as
deeds under seal, and shall be evidence of the truth of the several matters
and things therein contained.

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