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Northern Irish Legislation

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Application of purchase money of the amount of #200 or upwards, payable for lands of incapacitated persons, &c.

25. Where any money shall have been or shall be agreed, or shall have been or
shall be required by the verdict of any jury, to be paid or given by the said
principal officers, for the absolute purchase or exchange of any messuages,
buildings, castles, forts, lines, or other fortifications, manors, lands,
grounds, tenements, or hereditaments, or of any reversion as aforesaid, or of
the ... purchase of any other interest belonging to any such body, or other
person or persons under any disability or incapacity, or not having the
absolute interest therein, the said money, if the same shall amount to or
exceed the sum of two hundred pounds, shall be paid into the hands or in the
name of the remembrancer or other proper officer of Her Majesty's Court of
Exchequer at ... Dublin, ... for the time being, for the use and benefit of
the owners and proprietors of such messuages, buildings, castles, forts,
lines, or other fortifications, manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments;
and such remembrancer, ... or other proper officer respectively is hereby
authorized and required to receive or accept and to give a discharge for the
same, and upon the acceptation or receipt thereof to sign a certificate to the
barons or judges of the said Court of Exchequer under his hand, purporting and
signifying that such money or other consideration was received or accepted by
and paid to him in pursuance of this Act, for the use and benefit of such
owners or proprietors as shall be named in such certificate; and the said
certificate shall be filed or deposited in the said Court of Exchequer at ...
Dublin, ... and a true copy thereof, signed by the said remembrancer, ... or
other proper officer respectively of such court, shall and may be read and
allowed as evidence for the purposes herein-after mentioned; and the said
remembrancer, ... or other proper officer respectively is hereby required,
upon receipt of any such sum or sums of money as aforesaid, to pay the same
into the ... Bank of Ireland ...; and immediately upon the filing or
depositing of such certificate the said messuages, buildings, castles, forts,
lines, or other fortifications, manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments
shall be and become vested in the said principal officers of the ordnance for
the time being, for the service of the said ordnance department, or for the
defence of the realm, in trust for Her Majesty.

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