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Northern Irish Legislation

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Barons of Exchequer, &c. to make order for the investment of such purchase money.

26. The barons or judges of Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer at ... Dublin,
... of the degree of the coif, for the time being, or any one or more of them
shall be and they or he are or is hereby authorized and empowered, in a
summary way, upon motion or petition for or on behalf of any person or persons
interested in or entitled to the benefit of the money so paid to and received
by the said ... proper officer ... or the interest or produce thereof, and
upon reading the certificate directed to be signed by the said remembrancer,
... or other proper officer respectively concerning the same as aforesaid, and
receiving such further satisfaction as they or he shall think necessary, to
make and pronounce such orders and directions for paying the said money or any
part of the same ...; and for payment of the dividends or interest thereof, or
any part thereof, to the respective persons entitled to receive the same, or
for laying out the principal or any part thereof, in the purchase of other
lands or hereditaments, to be conveyed and settled to, for, and upon the same
uses, trusts, intents, or purposes, as the said messuages, buildings, castles,
forts, lines, or other fortifications, manors, lands, tenements, or
hereditaments so purchased or taken, stood settled at the time of the payment
of such money as aforesaid, or as near thereto as the same can be done, or
otherwise concerning the disposition of the said money or any part thereof,
and the interest of the same, or any part thereof, for the benefit of the
person and persons entitled to and interested in the same respectively, or for
appointing any person or persons to be a trustee or trustees for all or any of
such purposes, as the said court shall think just and reasonable.

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