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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MINERAL DEVELOPMENT ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1969

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47.(1) Where the Ministry or any other person intends to enter on or into any
land in the exercise of any right conferred

(a)by or under section 11(1) or section 22(1) or (2), or

(b)by a mining facilities order or a mining facilities permit,

(i)at least three days notice of the intention, where the entry is for the
purpose of any prospecting operations which do not involve the breaking of
ground to a depth of more than one foot;

(ii)at least fourteen days notice of the intention, where the entry is for the
purpose of any prospecting operations which involve the breaking of ground to
a depth of more than one foot;

(iii)at least four weeks notice of the intention in any other case,

(2) In this section "prospecting operations" means

(a)any operations authorised by or under section 11(1), or

(b)any operations proposed to be conducted in the exercise of ancillary rights
acquired under section 23(2) or authorised to be used by a
mining facilities permit granted under section 26(2).

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