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Northern Irish Legislation

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Rights of entry and user of land containing mines and minerals vested in the Ministry.

22.(1) Subject to sections 47 and 58(3), for the purpose of working any mines
and minerals under section 15 or for any purpose incidental thereto
the Ministry may enter on or into any land in which the mines and minerals are
situated and use the land in such manner as may be necessary for, or
reasonably incidental to, that purpose.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), where the Ministry sells an estate in mines and
minerals or where mines and minerals are the subject of a mining lease,
the Ministry may,

(a)by the conveyance grant to the purchaser, or

(b)by the lease confer on the lessee, during the currency of the lease,

(3) Where the mines and minerals comprised in a sale to which subsection (2)
applies or a mining lease are situated in land which is owned or occupied by a
government department, no exercise of the power confered by that subsection
shall be taken as authorising the purchaser or lessee to exercise any right in
relation to that land otherwise than with the written consent of that

Acquisition of land and ancillary rights.

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