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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FISHERIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1966

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Appropriations in aid.

24. There shall be appropriated in aid of moneys provided by Parliament for
defraying the expenses incurred by the Ministry under this Act any sums
received by the Ministry under this Act (other than sums to which
sections 23(3) and 29(2) apply), including, in particular,

(a)any sum paid to the Ministry by a district council under section 37(1)(a)
or (b)(i) of the Local Government (Ireland) Act 1898, by way of contribution
towards the amount of any such expenses;

(b)any sum paid to the Ministry by any person in respect of a permit issued to
him by the Ministry authorising him to fish in any waters the fishing rights
in respect of which are owned by the Ministry;

(c)any sum recovered by the Ministry under section 6(4) in consequence of the
revocation by the Ministry of its approval of a programme of development under
that section;

(d)any sum received by the Ministry in respect of the sale of fish from a
fish farm operated by the Ministry under section 10; and

(e)any other sum paid to the Ministry by a person interested in the
development of a fishery to defray any expenses incurred under this Act in
relation to that fishery.

Establishment and functions of the Board.

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