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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FINES ACT (IRELAND) 1851

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In case of fines upon jurors, officer to send notice.

3. In all cases where an order shall have been made for the imposition or levy
of any such penal sum as aforesaid, the court, or the justice, or the officer
competent so to act, as the case may be, shall (unless where the same shall
have been remitted by the Crown or other proper authority) issue the proper
warrant for the execution of such order at the following periods; viz.:

<1.In case of any fine imposed upon any person for non-attendance as a juror, [immediately upon the expiration of fourteen days] after notice of same shall have been sent to such person by post as herein-before directed:

<3.In case of any like order by a justice at or out of petty sessions, at such time as shall be directed by the Petty Sessions Act, Ireland, 1851:

<4.In all other cases, within fourteen days from the making of the order:Addressing and executing warrants issued to constabulary.

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