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Northern Irish Legislation

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Jurisdiction of magistrates of maritime counties shall extend to offences against this Act at sea.

96. The jurisdiction of each and every justice or justices of the peace of
every place within or belonging to all counties, or counties of cities or
towns in Ireland, any part whereof shall adjoin the sea coast, or any of the
estuaries thereof, shall be and the same is hereby extended to all and every
offences or offence against the provisions of this Act, or any of the bye
laws, rules, orders, or regulations (hereby authorized to be made) committed
by fishermen and others engaged in fishing, or by any person or persons
whatsoever while at sea, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes
as if the said offences or offence had been committed upon land within his or
their present jurisdiction or jurisdictions respectively; and it shall and may
be lawful for the said justice or justices to issue his or their warrant for
the arrest or apprehension of any of the said fishermen or others so offending
as aforesaid, whether he or they shall happen to be upon land within any part
of the kingdom or in any vessel at sea, and employ any person or any of the
ways and means for causing such apprehension or arrest to be made as such
justice or justices are now authorized and empowered to do in case the said
offence had been committed upon land within his or their respective
jurisdiction or jurisdictions; and the said justice or justices shall have the
like powers or remedies for the apprehension, committal, or punishment of
fishermen and other persons so offending at sea as aforesaid, either against
this Act or any of the bye laws, rules, and regulations to be made in
pursuance thereof; and also the said justice or justices shall have the like
powers and remedies for the seizure at sea of the vessels or other goods and
chattels of the said fishermen or other persons so offending as aforesaid, as
he or they possess by any law or statute now in force, or shall under this Act
possess, in case the said offence or offences had been committed upon land, or
the said goods and chattels had been upon land within his or their respective
jurisdiction or jurisdictions.

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