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Northern Irish Legislation

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Illegal nets shall be brought before magistrates at petty sessions and destroyed;

103. In case any officer or person hereby authorized and empowered to seize
illegal nets or engines or nets or engines of a legal form and size when used
contrary to the provisions of this Act or any of the bye laws to be made in
pursuance hereof, shall seize the same, it shall and may be lawful for him to
retain the same in his custody until the next sitting of the petty sessions
court, or any adjournment thereof, in the district where the same shall be
seized; and at such petty sessions court it shall and may be lawful for the
justices to order and direct the same to be forfeited, and, in case the same
shall be such as cannot be legally used under the provisions of this Act, to
order the same to be destroyed; and in case the same shall be such as may be
legally used according to the provisions of this Act, then and in such case it
shall be lawful for such justices to order the same to be sold, and the money
arising therefrom to be applied in the same manner as the penalties thereby
imposed for violation of the provisions of this Act are hereby directed to be

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