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Contracts of employment for a fixed term.

25.(1) Section 11 shall not apply to an employee who immediately before
the relevant date is employed under a contract of employment for a fixed term
of two years or more, if that contract was made before the appointed day
(whether before or after the passing of this Act) and is not a contract of

(2) Without prejudice to subsection (1), an employee under a contract of
employment for a fixed term of two years or more (including a contract of
apprenticeship for such a term) shall not be entitled to a redundancy payment
in respect of the expiry of that term without its being renewed, if before the
term so expires he has agreed in writing to exclude any right to a redundancy
payment in that event.

(3) Such an agreement as is mentioned in subsection (2) may, in the case of a
contract made after the passing of this Act, be contained either in the
contract itself or in a separate agreement.

(4) Where an agreement under subsection (2) is made during the currency of a
fixed term, and that term is renewed, the agreement under that subsection
shall not be construed as applying to the term as renewed, but without
prejudice to the making of a further agreement under that subsection in
relation to the term as renewed.

(5) The provisions of this section shall have effect subject to section 30 in
cases to which that section applies.

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