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Continuous employment for requisite period.

18.(1) For the purposes of section 11(1) the requisite period is the period of
[two years] ending with the relevant date, excluding any week which began
before the employee attained the age of eighteen.

(2) Subject to subsection (1), and to the following provisions of this
section, the provisions of Schedule 1, and the provisions of any order for the
time being in force under section 7 in so far as it modifies Schedule 1, shall
have effect for the purposes of this Part in determining whether an employee
has been continuously employed for the requisite period.

(3) Where by virtue of section [13(3)] an employee is treated as not having
been dismissed by reason of a renewal or re-engagement taking effect after an
interval, then, in determining for the purposes of section 11(1) whether he
has been continuously employed for the requisite period, the period of that
interval shall count as a period of employment, notwithstanding that it does
not count under Schedule 1.

[(3A) Where by virtue of section 13(10) a date is to be treated as
the relevant date for the purposes of subsection (1) which is later than
the relevant date as defined by subsection (9) of that section, then in
determining for the purposes of section 11(1) whether the employee has been
continuously employed for the requisite period, the period of the interval
between those two dates shall count as a period of employment notwithstanding
that it does not count under Schedule 1.]

(4) The preceding provisions of this section shall have effect subject to
[sections 27, 34 and 34A] in cases to which those sections apply respectively.

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