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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> CONTRACTS OF EMPLOYMENT AND REDUNDANCY PAYMENTS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965

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1.(1) The notice required to be given by an employer to terminate the contract
of employment of a person who has been continuously employed for [four weeks]
or more

(a)shall be not less than one week's notice if his period of continuous
employment is less than two years; and

[(b)shall be not less than one week's notice for each year of continuous
employment if his period of continuous employment is two years or more but
less than twelve years; and

(c)shall be not less than twelve weeks' notice if his period of continuous
employment is twelve years or more.]

(2) The notice required to be given by an employee who has been continuously
employed for [four weeks] or more to terminate his contract of employment
shall be not less than one week.

(3) Any provision for shorter notice in any contract of employment with a
person who has been continuously employed for [four weeks] or more shall have
effect subject to subsections (1) and (2), but this section shall not be taken
to prevent either party from waiving his right to notice on any occasion, or
from accepting a payment in lieu of notice.

(4) Any contract of employment of a person who has been continuously employed
for [twelve weeks] or more which is a contract for a term certain of
four weeks or less shall have effect as if it were for an indefinite period
and, accordingly, subsections (1) and (2) shall apply to the contract.

(5) Schedule 1 shall apply for the purposes of this section and section 2 for
ascertaining the length of an employee's period of employment and whether that
period of employment has been continuous.

(6) It is hereby declared that this section does not affect any right of
either party to treat the contract as terminable without notice by reason of
such conduct by the other part as would have enabled him so to treat it before
the passing of this Act.

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