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23 February 2008
Laid before the National Assembly for Wales
26 February 2008
Coming into force
1 April 2008
The Welsh Ministers, in exercise of the powers conferred upon the National Assembly for Wales by section 4(1)(a) and (2) and section 29(1) of the Local Government Act 1999(1) and now vested in them(2), and having consulted those persons which they are required, by section 4(3) of that Act, to consult, hereby make the following Order.
1.–(1) The title of this Order is the Local Government (Best Value Performance Indicators) (Wales) Order 2008 and this Order comes into force on 1 April 2008.
(2) This Order applies only to best value authorities which are county or county borough councils in Wales and has effect in relation to the financial year 2008-2009 and subsequent financial years.
2. The performance indicators are specified in relation to the functions identified in the table below.
Best Value Authority Functions and Performance Indicators by which performance of those functions will be measured |
Social Services |
All indicators in Schedule 1 |
Housing |
All indicators in Schedule 2 |
Education |
All indicators in Schedule 3 |
Waste Management |
All indicators in Schedule 4 |
Transport/Highways |
All indicators in Schedule 5 |
Public Protection |
All indicators in Schedule 6 |
Energy Efficiency |
All indicators in Schedule 7 |
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit |
All indicators in Schedule 8 |
3. The Local Government (Best Value Performance Indicators) (Wales) Order 2005 is revoked(3).
Brian Gibbons
Minister for Social Justice and Local Government, one of the Welsh Ministers
23 February 2008
Article 2
Rhif y Dangosydd/ Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
NS1 | Cyfradd yr oedi wrth drosglwyddo gofal am resymau gofal cymdeithasol fesul 1,000 o'r boblogaeth sy'n 75 oed neu drosodd. | The rate of delayed transfers of care for social care reasons per 1,000 population aged 75 or over. |
NS2 | Cyfradd y bobl oedrannus (65 oed neu drosodd): | The rate of older people (aged 65 or over): |
(a) y rhoddir cymorth iddynt yn y gymuned fesul 1,000 o'r boblogaeth sy'n 65 oed neu drosodd ar 31 Mawrth; a |
(a) supported in the community per 1,000 population aged 65 or over at 31 March; and |
(b) y mae'r awdurdod yn rhoi cymorth iddynt mewn cartrefi gofal fesul 1,000 o'r boblogaeth sy'n 65 oed neu drosodd ar 31 Mawrth. |
(b) whom the authority supports in care homes per 1,000 population aged 65 or over at 31 March. |
NS3 | (a) canran y lleoliadau cyntaf i blant sy'n derbyn gofal yn ystod y flwyddyn a ddechreuodd gyda Chynllun Gofal ar waith; a |
(a) the percentage of first placements of looked after children during the year that began with a Care Plan in place; and |
(b) ar gyfer y plant hynny sy'n derbyn gofal yr oedd eu hail adolygiad (a oedd i fod ar ôl 4 mis) i fod wedi'i gwblhau yn ystod y flwyddyn, y ganran gyda chynllun ar gyfer sefydlogrwydd adeg y dyddiad priodol. |
(b) for those children looked after whose second review (due at 4 months) was due in the year, the percentage with a plan for permanence at the due date. |
NS4 | Canran y plant sy'n derbyn gofal ar 31 Mawrth sydd â phrofiad o symud ysgol unwaith neu fwy yn ystod cyfnod neu gyfnodau o dderbyn gofal, nad oedd y symud hwnnw oherwydd trefniadau trosiannol, yn y 12 mis hyd at 31 Mawrth. | The percentage of children looked after at 31 March who have experienced one or more change of school, during a period or periods of being looked after, which were not due to transitional arrangements, in the 12 months to 31 March. |
Rhif y Dangosydd/ Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
NS5 | (a) Nifer y teuluoedd digartref gyda phlant sydd wedi defnyddio llety gwely a brecwast yn ystod y flwyddyn, ac eithrio mewn argyfyngau; a |
(a) The number of homeless families with children who have used bed and breakfast accommodation during the year, except in emergencies; and |
(b) Cyfartaledd nifer y diwrnodau y mae pob teulu digartref gyda phlant wedi eu treulio mewn llety gwely a brecwast. |
(b) The average number of days all homeless families with children spent in bed and breakfast accommodation. |
NS6 | Cyfartaledd nifer y dyddiau gwaith rhwng cyflwyno person fel person digartref i'r awdurdod a chyflawni dyletswydd yr awdurdod at aelwydydd a geir yn statudol ddigartref. | The average number of working days between homeless presentation and discharge of duty for households found to be statutorily homeless. |
NS7 | Cyfartaledd nifer yr unedau cymorth sy'n ymwneud â thai fesul 1000 o'r boblogaeth, ar gyfer pob un o'r mathau canlynol o wasanaeth cymorth sy'n ymwneud â thai: | The average number of units of housing-related support per 1000 population, for each of the following types of housing related support service: |
(i) cymorth fel y bo'r angen; |
(i) floating support; |
(ii) mynediad uniongyrchol; |
(ii) direct access; |
(iii) llety dros dro; |
(iii) temporary accommodation; |
(iv) llety parhaol; |
(iv) permanent accommodation; |
(v) llety gwarchod i bobl hyn; a |
(v) sheltered accommodation for older people; and |
(vi) gwasanaethau larwm cymunedol. |
(vi) community alarm services. |
Rhif y Dangosydd /Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
NS8 | Canran presenoldeb disgyblion mewn: | Percentage of pupil attendance in: |
(a) ysgolion cynradd; a |
(a) primary schools; and |
(b) ysgolion uwchradd. |
(b) secondary schools. |
NS9 | Canran: | The percentage of: |
(i) yr holl ddisgyblion (gan gynnwys y rheini sydd yng ngofal awdurdod lleol); a |
(i) all pupils (including those in local authority care); and |
(ii) y disgyblion sydd yng ngofal awdurdod lleol, |
(ii) pupils in local authority care, |
sydd mewn yn unrhyw ysgol a gynhelir gan awdurdod lleol a oedd yn 15 oed ar y 31 Awst blaenorol ac yn gadael addysg orfodol, hyfforddiant neu ddysgu seiliedig ar waith heb gymhwyster allanol a gymeradwywyd. | in any local authority maintained school aged 15 at the preceding 31 August and leave compulsory education, training or work-based learning without an approved external qualification. | |
NS10 | Canran y disgyblion a aseswyd ar ddiwedd Cyfnod Allweddol 2, mewn ysgolion a gynhelir gan yr awdurdod lleol, ac sy'n cyrraedd y Dangosydd Pynciau Craidd, fel a benderfynir gan Asesiadau Athrawon. | The percentage of pupils, assessed at the end of Key Stage 2, in schools maintained by the local authority, achieving the Core Subject Indicator, as determined by Teacher Assessment. |
NS11 | Canran y disgyblion a aseswyd ar ddiwedd Cyfnod Allweddol 3, mewn ysgolion a gynhelir gan yr awdurdod lleol, ac sy'n cyrraedd y Dangosydd Pynciau Craidd, fel a benderfynir gan Asesiadau Athrawon. | The percentage of pupils assessed at the end of Key Stage 3, in schools maintained by the local authority, achieving the Core Subject Indicator, as determined by Teacher Assessment. |
NS12 | Cyfartaledd y sgôr pwyntiau ar gyfer disgyblion a oedd yn 15 oed ar y 31 Awst blaenorol, mewn ysgolion a gynhelir gan yr awdurdod lleol. | The average point score for pupils aged 15 at the preceding 31 August, in schools maintained by the local authority. |
NS13 | Canran y disgyblion a aseswyd mewn ysgolion a gynhelir gan yr awdurdod lleol, ac sy'n cael Asesiad Athrawon yn y Gymraeg (iaith gyntaf): | The percentage of pupils assessed in schools maintained by the local authority, receiving a Teacher Assessment in Welsh (first language) |
(i) ar ddiwedd Cyfnod Allweddol 2; a |
(i) at the end of Key Stage 2; and |
(ii) ar ddiwedd Cyfnod Allweddol 3. |
(ii) at the end of Key Stage 3. |
Rhif y Dangosydd /Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
NS14 | Canran y gwastraff trefol: | The percentage of municipal waste: |
(i) a ailddefnyddir ac/neu a ailgylchir; a |
(i) reused and/or recycled; and |
(ii) a gompostir neu a drinnir yn fiolegol mewn ffordd arall. |
(ii) composted or treated biologically in another way. |
NS15 | Canran y gwastraff trefol pydradwy a anfonir i safleoedd tirlenwi. | The percentage of bio-degradable municipal waste sent to landfill sites. |
Rhif y dangosydd /Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
NS16 | Canran: | The percentage of: |
(a) prif ffyrdd (dosbarth A); a |
(a) principal (A) roads; and |
(b) ffyrdd nad ydynt yn brif ffyrdd/ ffyrdd dosbarthedig |
(b) non-principal/classified roads |
sydd mewn cyflwr gwael yn gyffredinol. | in overall poor condition. |
Rhif y dangosydd/ Indicator number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
NS17 | Canran y busnesau uchel eu risg sy'n agored i gael arolygiadau wedi'u rhaglennu o ran: | The percentage of high risk businesses liable to programmed inspections that were inspected as regards: |
(i) Safonau Masnach; |
(i) Trading Standards; |
(ii) Hylendid Bwyd; |
(ii) Food Hygiene; |
(iii) Iechyd Anifeiliaid; a |
(iii) Animal Health; and |
(iv) Iechyd a Diogelwch. |
(iv) Health and Safety. |
Rhif y dangosydd /Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline Indicator |
NS18 | (a) Canran y gostyngiad mewn allyriadau carbon diocsid yn y stoc adeiladau cyhoeddus annomestig; |
(a) Percentage reduction in carbon dioxide emissions in the non-domestic public building stock; |
(b) – |
(b) – |
(i) Canran y gostyngiad yn y defnydd o ynni yn y stoc dai; a |
(i) Percentage reduction in energy use in the housing stock; and |
(ii) Canran y gostyngiad mewn allyriadau carbon diocsid yn y stoc dai. |
(ii) Percentage reduction in carbon dioxide emissions in the housing stock. |
Rhif y dangosydd /Indicator Number | Prif ddangosydd | Headline indicator |
NS19 | Yr amser a gymrwyd i brosesu hawliadau newydd a digwyddiadau o newid mewn Budd-daliadau Tai (BT) a Budd-daliadau'r Dreth Gyngor (BTG). | Time taken to process Housing Benefit (HB) and Council Tax Benefit (CTB) new claims and change events. |
NS20 | Nifer y newidiadau mewn amgylchiadau sy'n effeithio ar hawl cwsmeriaid i gael Budd-daliadau Tai (BT) neu Fudd-daliadau Treth Gyngor (BTG) yn ystod y flwyddyn. | The number of changes of circumstances which affect customers' entitlement to Housing Benefit (HB) or Council Tax Benefit (CTB) within the year. |
(This note is not part of the Order)
This Order specifies, for Wales, performance indicators by reference to which the performance of county councils and county borough councils (as best value authorities), in exercising their functions, will be measured from 1 April 2008. The Order revokes the Local Government (Best Value Performance Indicators) (Wales) Order 2005.
Article 2 identifies, by reference to the Schedules, which performance indicators will be used to measure performance of which functions for the respective county councils and county borough councils as best value authorities.
Schedules 1 to 8 detail the prescribed indicators for different functions as follows:
Schedule 1 - Social Services
Schedule 2 - Housing
Schedule 3 - Education
Schedule 4 - Waste Management
Schedule 5 - Transport/Highways
Schedule 6 - Public Protection
Schedule 7 - Energy Efficiency
Schedule 8 - Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.
These functions of the National Assembly for Wales were transferred to the Welsh Ministers by virtue of section 162 of and paragraph 30 of Schedule 11 to the Government of Wales Act 2006 (c. 32). Back [2]
S.I. 2005/665 (W.55). Back [3]