Statutory Instruments
30th November 1994
1. The Cambridgeshire County Council (River Nene B1040 Dog-“in-“a-“Doublet Bridge) Scheme 1994 is hereby confirmed.
2. The said Scheme as confirmed (hereinafter referred to as "the Scheme") is set out in the Schedule hereto and copies of the Scheme with its accompanying plan are deposited at the offices of Cambridgeshire County Council, Shire Hall, Castle Hill, Cambridge CB3 0AP.
3. The Scheme will become operative on the date on which notice that it has been confirmed is first published in accordance with paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 to the Highways Act 1980.
4. This Instrument may be cited as The Cambridgeshire County Council (River Nene B1040 Dog-“in-“a-“Doublet Bridge) Scheme 1994 Confirmation Instrument 1994.
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Transport
Pamela Denham
Regional Director Government Office for the North East
30th November 1994
1. The CAMBRIDGESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL ("the Council") make this Scheme in exercise of their powers under Section 106(3) of the Highways Act 1980 and of all other enabling powers:-“
The Council are authorised to construct over the navigable waters of the River Nene the bridge specified in the Schedule to this Scheme as part of the B1040 Whittlesey to Thorney highway which they are proposing to improve between a point 200 metres south of the centre line of the River Nene and a point 200 metres north of the centre line of the River Nene in the Parish of Whittlesey in the Fenland District and the Parish of Thorney in the City of Peterborough in the County of Cambridgeshire.
2. This Scheme may be cited as The Cambridgeshire County Council (River Nene B1040 Dog-“ in-“a-“Doublet Bridge) Scheme 1994.
The location and general design of the Bridge are shown on the plan numbered D-“3635-“ORO2 marked "The Cambridgeshire County Council (River Nene B1040 Dog-“in-“a-“Doublet Bridge) Scheme 1994" sealed with the Common Seal of the Council.
From a point four metres south of the centre line of North Bank Road in the Parish of Thorney in the City of Peterborough in the County of Cambridgeshire.
To a point 79 metres north of the centre line of North Bank Road in the Parish of Whittlesey in the District of Fenland in the County of Cambridgeshire.
The new bridge will be a steel structure with a reinforced concrete deck cast on steel beams.
The central span over the main river channel will maintain 29.50 metres between the inside faces of the piers.
The total width of the bridge will be 13.80 metres.
The minimum headway will be 3.0 metres when the water level is at 3.0 metres AOD (Newlyn). This will be maintained over an 18.0 metre width.
29.50 metres at all river levels.
THE COMMON SEAL of CAMBRIDGESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL was hereunto affixed in the presence of:-
Karel Tripp
Solicitor to the Council
S.I. 1991/238.