Statutory Instruments
14th February 1990
Laid before Parliament
22nd February 1990
Coming into force
15th March 1990
At the Court of Saint James, the 14th day of February 1990
The Counsellors of State in Council
Whereas Her Majesty in pursuance of the Regency Acts 1937 to 1953, was pleased, by letters Patent dated the 18th day of January 1990 to delegate to the six Counsellors of State therein named or any two or more of them full power and authority during the period of Her Majesty's absence from the United Kingdom to summon and hold on Her Majesty's behalf Her Privy Council and to signify thereat Her Majesty's approval for anything for which Her Majesty's approval in Council is required: Now therefore Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother and His Royal Highness The Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, being authorised thereto by the said Letters Patent, and in pursuance of the powers conferred by section 109(d) of the National Health Service Act 1977(1)and all other powers enabling Her Majesty, and by and with the advice of Her Majesty's Privy Council, do on Her Majesty's behalf order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:-
1. This Order may be cited as the Health Service Commissioner for England (Special Hospitals Service Authority) Order 1990 and shall come into force on 15th March 1990.
2. The Special Hospitals Service Authority(2)is hereby designated as an authority to which section 109 of the National Health Service Act 1977 (bodies subject to investigation by Health Service Commissioner) applies.
G I de Deney
Clerk of the Privy Council
(This note is not part of the Order)
This Order designates the Special Hospitals Service Authority as a "relevant body" within the meaning of section 109 of the National Health Service Act 1977 so that the Health Service Commissioner for England may investigate complaints which relate to the Authority or its officers.
1977 c. 49, to which there are amendments not relevant to this Order.
The Authority was established by the Special Hospitals Service Authority (Establishment and Constitution) Order 1989 (S.I. 1989/948).