Prerogative Act 1661
1661 c.13
Act anent his Maiesties Prerogative in the Militia and in making of Peace and War or treaties and leagues with forraine Princes or Estates
The Estates of Parliament Considering the great happines that this Kingdome hath for many ages enioyed vnder the Princely Government of their Royall Kings who by the speciall blessing of Almightie God have reigned over them in so long and vnparalleled series of Royall descents and the obligation thereby lying vpon them in conscience honour and gratitude to oune and assert the Royall Prerogatives of the imperiall Croun of this Kingdome which the Kings Maiestie holds from God Almightie alone And to vindicate the same from these invasions which by the malice or specious pretexts of ill affected persones and the confusions and disorders of the late times have been made vpon it Doe therfore Declare That the power of armes and makeing of peace and war or treaties and Leagues with forraine Princes or Estates Doth propperlie reside in the Kings Maiestie his heirs and Successours And that it wes and is their vndoubted right and theirs alone to have the power of raiseing in armes the subjects of this Kingdome and of the commanding ordering and disbanding or otherwise disposeing thairof and of all strenthes forts or Garrisons within the same as they sall think fit The subiects always being frie of the provisions and mantenance of these forts and armies Wnles the same be concludit in Parliament or Convention of estates . . .