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Northern Irish Legislation

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Places kept for public billiard tables to be licensed.

11. Every house, room, or place kept for public billiard playing, or where a
public billiard table or bagatelle board, or instrument used in any game of
the like kind, is kept, at which persons are admitted, to play,... shall be
licensed under this Act; and every person keeping any such public billiard
table or bagatelle board, or instrument used in any game of the like kind, for
public use, without being duly licensed so to do, and not holding a
victualler's licence for the house or premises where such billiard table,
bagatelle board, or other instrument as aforesaid is kept or used, and also
every person licensed under this Act who shall not during the continuance of
such billiard licence put and keep up the words "licensed for billiards,"
legibly printed in some conspicuous place near the door and on the outside of
the house specified in the licence, shall be liable to be proceeded against as
the keeper of a common gaming house, and, besides any penalty or punishment to
which he may be liable if convicted of keeping a common gaming house, shall,
on conviction of keeping such unlicensed billiard table, bagatelle board, or
other instrument as aforesaid, by his own confession, or by the oath of one or
more credible witnesses, before any police magistrate..., be liable to pay
such penalty, not more than ten pounds for every day on which such billiard
table, bagatelle board, or instrument as aforesaid shall be used, as shall be
adjudged by the magistrate ... before whom he shall be convicted, or, in the
discretion of the magistrate..., may be committed to [prison]... for any time
not more than one calendar month;... but no person who shall have been
summarily convicted of any such offence shall be liable to be further
proceeded against by indictment for the same offence.

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