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Northern Irish Legislation

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113.(1) Subject to subsection (3), no person shall sell, or offer or expose
for sale, or have in his possession for sale at any place or from or in any
vehicle, salmon, trout or eels unless he is the holder of a licence for the
time being in force (in this Part referred to as a "dealer's licence")
authorising him to sell salmon, trout or eels at that place, or, as the case
may be, from that vehicle.

(2) Any person who, not being the holder of a dealer's licence, sells, offers
or exposes for sale, or has in his possession for sale salmon, trout or eels,
or being the holder of such a licence sells, offers or exposes for sale, or
has in his possession for sale salmon, trout or eels at a place or, as the
case may be, from or in a vehicle, other than that specified in the licence,
shall be guilty of an offence under this Part.

(3) This section shall not apply to

(a)the Board; or

(b)a fisherman selling only fish of his own lawful capture; or

(c)the holder of a fish culture licence under section 11, in relation to fish
reared in the fish farm with respect to which the licence is in force; or

(d)a person who has possession of fish for use for catering purposes in
premises in which he carries on the business of a hotel, restaurant or guest
house or of providing board and lodging or meals for reward, or who sells fish
or offers or exposes fish for sale as or as part of a meal in the ordinary
course of such a business[; or

(e)a person selling a fish in pursuance of section 181(2) or of a direction
given by the Ministry under section 198(1)].

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