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Precautions as respects water-sealed gasholders.

40.(1) Every gasholder shall be of sound construction and shall be properly

(2) Every gasholder shall be thoroughly examined externally by a competent
person at least once in every period of two years, and a record containing the
prescribed particulars of every such examination shall be entered in or
attached to the general register.

(3) In the case of a gasholder of which any lift has been in use for more than
twenty years, the internal state of the sheeting shall, at least once in every
period of ten years, be examined by a competent person by cutting samples from
the crown and sides of the holder or by other sufficient means, and all
samples so cut and a report on every such examination signed by the person
making it shall be kept available for inspection.

(4) A record signed by the occupier of the factory or by a responsible
official authorised in that behalf showing the date of the construction, as
nearly as it can be ascertained, of the oldest lift of every gasholder in the
factory shall be kept available for inspection.

(5) Where there is more than one gasholder in the factory, every gasholder
shall be marked in a conspicuous position with a distinguishing number or

(6) A gasholder shall not be repaired or demolished except under the direct
supervision of a person who, by his training and experience and his knowledge
of the necessary precautions against risks of explosion and of persons being
overcome by gas, is competent to supervise such work.

(7) In this section "gasholder" means a water-sealed gasholder which has a
storage capacity of not less than five thousand cubic feet.

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