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Northern Irish Legislation

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Appointment of special manager.

236A.(1) Where the Official Assignee becomes the liquidator of a company,
whether provisionally or otherwise, he may, if satisfied that the nature of
the estate or business of the company, or the interests of the creditors or
contributories generally, require the appointment of a special manager of the
estate or business of the company other than himself, apply to the court, and
the court may on such application appoint a special manager of the said estate
or business to act during such time as the court may direct, with such powers,
including any of the powers of a receiver or manager, as may be entrusted to
him by the court.

(2) The special manager shall give such security and account in such manner as
the Department may direct.

(3) The special manager shall receive such remuneration as may be fixed by
the court.]

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