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Northern Irish Legislation

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Further provisions for the termination of tenancies to which this Part applies.

6.(1) Section 3(1) shall not prevent the coming to an end of a tenancy by
surrender or forfeiture, or by the forfeiture of a superior tenancy, or by a
notice to terminate the tenancy served by the tenant under and in accordance
with the terms (whether express or implied) of that tenancy [or by lawful
ejectment for non-payment of rent].

(2) Where but for this Part a tenancy would come to an end by the effluxion of
time and the tenant, not later than three months before the date on which but
for this Part the tenancy would so come to an end, serves on the immediate
landlord a notice that the tenant does not desire the tenancy to be continued,
section 3 shall not have effect in relation to that tenancy.

(3) A tenancy which but for this Part would have come to an end by effluxion
of time and which is continuing by virtue of section 3 may be brought to an
end on any gale day by not less than three months' notice served by the tenant
on the immediate landlord, whether the notice is served before or after the
date on which but for this Part the tenancy would have come to an end by
effluxion of time.

(4) A tenancy which but for this Part would have come to an end on the fall of
a life or the happening of any other uncertain event and which is continuing
by virtue of section 3 may be brought to an end on any gale day by not less
than three months' notice served by the tenant on the immediate landlord.

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