he London Cosmetic Laser Centre Ltd v Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection [2004] EWCST 278(EA)2 (14 November 2004)
- That under Reg 14(3), the evidence of eight former patients of the Appellant be excluded in so far as such evidence would involve the trial of issues of professional misconduct and/or clinical negligence issues. It would place an unduly onerous burden on the Appellants in managing the appeal, in part due to the expensive and time-consuming nature of conducting multiple trials within an appeal. Such an approach would not be relevant to the consideration of an appeal against refusal of registration to the Appellants – specifically when such issues formed no part of the original refusal of registration.
- That there be a Direction under Reg 12(1) (and in category (ii), Reg 12(2)) requiring the Respondent to disclose the following category of documents:
(i) Communications between the Respondent and former patients of the Appellant, and specifically telephone attendance notes, and memoranda;
(ii) If the application to exclude the eight former patients is refused, the medical records from the General Practitioners and private cosmetic surgeons of the patients who are called to give evidence;
(iii) Communications between the Respondent (and its predecessors) and the GMC in respect of matters relating to the Appellants and the GMC, and the Appellants and the patients;
(iv) Communications between the Respondent and the Media;
(v) Internal memos relating to the decision whether to deal with the issues as a regulatory matter and whether to initiate criminal proceedings.
- A Direction under Reg 14(3) to exclude the evidence of Mr Paul Kenyon, a BBC reporter, on the basis that it would be unfair in the circumstances to consider it, as to do so would be to condone and adopt a breach of Article 8 of the ECHR, thereby giving rise to a breach of Article 6 should the evidence be admitted.
The exclusion of the evidence of the eight former patients.
The Disclosure applications under Regulations 12(1) and 12(2)
The evidence of Mr Kenyon
His Honour Judge David Pearl
14th November 2004.