++++ 1. Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments - Enforcement - Legal remedies - Appeal in cassation - Judgments which may be contested by an appeal in cassation - Decision by the court with which the appeal against the enforcement order is lodged as to a stay of proceedings or the provision of security - Excluded (Convention of 27 September 1968, second paragraph of Art. 37 and Art. 38) 2. Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments - Enforcement - Appeal against the enforcement order - Power of the court with which the appeal is lodged to stay the proceedings - Exercise - Taking into consideration only submissions not already put forward by or known to the applicant at the time of the proceedings before the court of the State in which the judgment was given (Convention of 27 September 1968, Art. 31, third paragraph of Art. 34 and first paragraph of Art. 38)