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Protection of public buildings and activities.

3C.(1) Any person who

(a)enters any public building as a trespasser; or

(b)not being engaged in the discharge of duties, or the performance of
obligations, connected with activities normally carried on in a public
building or in part of a public building, wilfully neglects or fails to comply
as soon as is practicable with a direction to leave that building or that part
being a direction given by

(i)a person authorised in writing by a body or authority owning, or lawfully
occupying or using, the building or any part of the building to give such
directions with respect to that building or that part; or

(ii)a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary at the request of any person so
authorised; or

(c)knowingly interferes with the carrying on of any lawful activity in any
public building;

Provided that nothing in paragraph (c) shall operate to penalise

(i)any lawful picketing carried on outside a public building; or

(ii)any other lawful act done;

(2) A member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, if so requested by a person
authorised to give directions for the purposes of paragraph (b) of sub-section
(1) of this section with respect to any building or part of a building, may
remove from that building or that part any person who commits an offence under
that paragraph in that building or that part.

(3) A person authorised to give directions for the purposes of paragraph (b)
of sub-section (1) of this section with respect to any building or part of a
building shall, if so required by any person to whom a direction is given
under that paragraph to leave that building or that part, produce his
authorisation to give such a direction.

(4) References in this section to a public building include references to any
building which is owned, occupied or used for any purpose by or on behalf of a
government department or a local or public authority or for the purposes of
any grant-aided school or institution for further or higher education or which
is occupied or used for parliamentary, judicial or police purposes, to any
part of such a building and to any place or thing which is within the
curtilage of such a building and, for the purposes of this section, any place
which is

(a)part of the Stormont Estate within the meaning of the Stormont Regulation
and Government Property Act (Northern Ireland) 1933; or

(b)part of the demesne and other lands referred to in section 1 of the
Government Property (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1955;

(5) For the purposes of sub-section (4) "local or public authority" includes
any local authority or any authority, committee or board appointed wholly or
partly by a local authority and any board, commissioners or other body
authorised to supply services under any statutory provision whether of a
general or special nature and any other public authority, board, commissioners
or body of any kind constituted by or under any statutory provision, whether
of a general or special nature and in this sub-section "statutory provision"
has the meaning assigned to it by paragraph (f) of section 1 of the
Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954.]

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