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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN (AFFILIATION ORDERS) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1924

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Commutation of weekly sums.

4.(1) Any weekly sums payable under an Affiliation Order may, on the
application of the putative father of an illegitimate child, be commuted by
the court by which the Affiliation Order was made for a lump sum, if that
court is satisfied

(a)that arrangements have been made for the proper administration of the lump
sum for the maintenance and education of the child; and

(b)that the lump sum is sufficient to afford to the child benefits at least
equal to those which would be afforded by the payment of weekly sums.

Such lump sum shall be paid to the collecting officer or to such other person
or body of persons as may be designated by the court, and shall be invested
and applied for the maintenance and education of the child in such manner as
the court may direct.

(2) All sums applicable under this section for the maintenance and education
of an illegitimate child shall, if default is made by any person in the
payment thereof, be recoverable in like manner as sums payable by the putative
father under an Affiliation Order.

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