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33. This Part of this Act shall be construed as one with the Housing of the
Working Classes (Ireland) Acts, 1890 to 1908, and any provisions of this Part
of this Act which supersede or amend any provisions of the Act of 1890 shall
be deemed to be part of that Part of the Act of 1890 in which the provisions
superseded or amended are contained, and references in this Part of this Act
to any provision of the Housing of the Working Classes (Ireland) Acts, 1890 to
1908, shall be construed as references to that provision as amended by any
subsequent enactment including this Part of this Act.

In this Part of this Act

Definition rep. by 1976 NI 25 art.80(4) sch.6 Pt.II

The expression "sale" includes sale in consideration of an annual rentcharge
or fee farm rent, and the expression "sell" has a corresponding meaning;

Definitions rep. by 1976 NI 25 art.80(4) sch.6 Pt.II

The expression "... byelaws" includes byelaws made by any sanitary authority
under section forty-one of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, as amended
by any subsequent enactment with respect to ... new streets, and any
enactments in section one hundred and nine of the
Towns Improvement Clauses Act, 1847, or section forty-three of the
Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854, or in any local Acts dealing with ...
the laying out and construction and drainage of new streets, and any byelaws
made with respect to such matters under any such local Act;

The expression "Housing Acts" means the Housing of the Working Classes
(Ireland) Acts, 1890 to 1908, and this Act so far as it amends those Acts.

Part II (s.34) amends s.1 of 1899 c.44

Extent of Act.

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