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Northern Irish Legislation

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Constables to attend magistrates, and execute their warrants.

15. Every chief constable, head constable, constable, and sub-constable ...
shall, when not engaged on actual duty, attend on the justices of the peace at
their several general or quarter sessions, and also at their petty sessions,
which shall be held at the respective places where such chief or other
constable or sub-constable may be stationed, and shall obey and execute all
the lawful warrants, orders, and commands of such justices at such sessions in
all cases, civil and criminal: Provided always, that no chief or other
constable or sub-constable shall be employed under such authority to levy
tithes or tithe composition, or to levy rents by distress, or to levy fines or
penalties under any Act or Acts relating to the revenue in Ireland, nor to
enforce any Acts relating to the laws for the preservation of game or fish,
except only in cases where forcible resistance shall have been actually made
and proved by information taken on oath.

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