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Termination of tenancy by the landlord.

4.(1) Subject to section 9 the landlord may terminate a tenancy to which this
Part applies by a notice to determine served on the tenant in the prescribed
form specifying the date at which the tenancy is to come to an end (in this
Part referred to as "the date of termination").

(2) A notice to determine shall not have effect unless it complies with the
provisions of this section and, subject to subsection (3), is served not more
than twelve nor less than six months before the date of termination specified

(3) In the case of a tenancy which but for this Part could have been brought
to an end by notice to quit

(a)subsection (2) shall, where but for this Part more than six months'
notice to quit would have been required to bring the tenancy to an end, have
effect with the substitution for twelve months of a period six months longer
than the length of notice to quit which would have been required as aforesaid;

(b)the date of termination specified in a notice to determine shall not be
earlier than the earliest date on which the immediate landlord could, but for
this Part, have brought the tenancy to an end by notice to quit served on the
same date as the notice to determine.

(4) In the case of a tenancy dependent on the fall of a life or other
uncertain event the landlord may, after the fall of that life or the happening
of that uncertain event, terminate the tenancy by a notice to determine served
not more than twelve nor less than six months before the date of termination
specified therein.

(5) In the case of any tenancy, other than a tenancy referred to in subsection
(3) or subsection (4), a notice to determine under this section shall not
specify a date of termination earlier than the date on which, but for this
Part, the tenancy would have come to an end by effluxion of time.

(6) A notice to determine shall

(a)require the tenant, within two months of the service of the notice, to
notify the landlord in writing whether or not, at the date of termination, the
tenant will be willing to give up possession of the property comprised in the
tenancy; and

(b)state whether the landlord would oppose an application to the
Lands Tribunal under section 8 and, if so, on which of the grounds mentioned
in section 10 he would do so.

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