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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BOUNDARY SURVEY (IRELAND) ACT 1854

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Orders not to affect the boundaries with respect to rights of owners, &c.

14. No order made in pursuance of this Act shall in any way affect the
boundary or boundaries of any land with reference to any right, title, claim,
possession, or interest therein; nor shall the description or denomination in
any pleadings or proceedings, criminal or civil, in any court of law or
equity, pending or instituted previous to the time limited for such order
taking effect be in any way vitiated or affected thereby; and in the case of
any suit or proceeding, criminal or civil, pending or instituted previous to
the time assigned in and by such order for the same taking effect, such suit
or proceeding shall and may be continued as if no such order had been made,
and without regard thereto, and the said order shall in respect of such suit
or proceeding, and any and every matter relating thereto, be void and of none
effect; and wherever in any deed or instrument made previous to the time
appointed for such order taking effect any portion or portions of land shall
have been described or denominated by the name of the county, barony, half
barony, parish, townland, or other division or denomination of land to which
the same may have originally belonged, such portion or portions of land shall
be deemed and taken to have been described or denominated by the name of the
county, barony, half barony, parish, townland, or other division or
denomination of land to which it shall be by such order united, as if such
last-mentioned county, barony, half barony, parish, townland, or other
division or denomination of land to which the same originally belonged; and
such portion or portions of land shall and may, in all suits and proceedings
at law or equity at any time afterwards instituted, be described and
denominated as belonging to the county, barony, half barony, parish, townland,
or other division or denomination of land to which it shall be so united by
such order.

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