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9.(1) For the purposes of this Part the provisions of Parts I, II, VIII and IX
of the Miscellaneous Transferred Excise Duties Act [(Northern Ireland) 1972]
(in this Act referred to as "the [Act of 1972]"), shall, with the
modifications thereof specified in sub-sections (2) and (3), apply in relation
to bookmakers' licences and bookmaking office licences and the respective
duties payable thereon in like manner as the said provisions apply in relation
to transferred excise licences and transferred excise duties within the
meaning of the [Act of 1972].

(2) The provisions of the [Act of 1972] specified in sub-section (1) shall in
their application for the purposes of this Part have effect as if

(a)references therein to

(i)transferred excise licences included references to bookmakers' licences and
bookmaking office licences;

(ii)transferred excise duties included references to the duties payable on the
licences specified in sub-paragraph (i);

<(iii)an authorised officer were construed as references to a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary only;

<(iv)the Ministry of Finance in Part VIII of the [Act of 1972] included references to the Ministry of Home Affairs;

(v)the [Act of 1972] included references to this Part;

Para.(b) rep. by 1972 c.11 (NI) s.76(1) sch.5

(c)sections four to seven of the [Act of 1972] were omitted therefrom and as
if for sub-section (4) of section nine of the [[Act of 1972] there were
substituted the following sub-section:

"(4) A transferred excise licence shall not be issued to a corporate body".

(3) Where a licensed bookmaker or a holder of a bookmaking office licence
dies, sub-section (1) of section eleven of the [Act of 1972] shall not operate
to authorise the Ministry of Finance to transfer his bookmaker's licence or
bookmaking office licence other than to his personal representative, or to a
person nominated in writing by such personal representative, for the remainder
of the period for which the licence was issued or for a period of three months
from the date of death, whichever period shall first expire, so, however, that
where a licence is transferred for a period which expires before the end of
the period for which the licence was issued, the Ministry of Finance may repay
such part of the appropriate excise duty as it may think proper having regard
to the effect of this sub-section in relation to the duration of the licence.

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