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Powers of entry and investigation.

18.(1) Any member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary may for the purpose of
preventing or detecting the violation of any of the provisions of this Act
enter any licensed office at any time during which such office is, or is
suspected by such member of being, open or used for the transaction of any
business, and may there make such searches and investigations as such member
thinks proper and may ask of any person found therein such reasonable
questions in relation to the licensed office and the business carried on
therein as such member thinks proper.

(2) Any person who

(a)obstructs or impedes any member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary in the
exercise of any of the powers conferred on such member by this section; or

(b)fails or refuses to answer to the best of his knowledge and ability any
question asked of him by any such member in exercise of a power in that behalf
conferred by this section; or

(c)gives an answer to any such question which is to his knowledge false or

(3) Any member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary may arrest without warrant any
person who does in his presence any act the doing of which is declared by this
section to be an offence and who refuses to give his name and address.

Penalties for offences.

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